Part Exchange for VOLVO V60 CROSS COUNTRY

We completely understand no two cars are the same due to many factors so we can offer you a valuation to buy your vehicle that genuinely reflects your vehicle and in particular its options, specification and condition.

Types of Vehicles we (DO) buy:

Less than 12 years old
Less than 120,000 miles
No mechanical faults
Clean bodywork
All makes and models considered

Types of Vehicles we (DON'T) buy:

Cars with poor MOT history
Cars with lack of service history
Seriously damaged cars
Highly Modified vehicles
Less than 1 year old cars

We will settle any outstanding finance.
Our valuation Is valid for 5 days.
We can collect from your work or home.
We will pay by bank transfer same day.
We have no admin fees.
Please complete the form below and one of our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible:

Estate 2.0 Cross Country SE Nav D3 (2017)


Your Details

Your Vehicle Details
If on a private registration, please also provide the original.

Please provide the date of the last documented service, either stamped in the service book or invoice present.

Please provide the mileage at the last documented service, either stamped in the service book or invoice present.
Please provide a list of factory optional extras fitted to the Car. Eg: Lights On Warning, USB Connection, etc.
Please provide an accurate, honest description of your Car condition. For example, please make us aware of any damage, issues, defects, known faults, work required etc in order for us to make an accurate valuation that we can stick to upon inspection.
We require an honest and realistic figure to work from please, if this field is left blank or an unrealistic figure entered we will be unable to consider your submission.